PRIMA 過敏抗體IgE測試 Allergy IgE test (1個測試) 識別過敏體質
PRIMA 過敏抗體IgE測試 Allergy IgE test (1個測試) 識別過敏體質
過敏抗體IgE測試 Allergy IgE test | 識別過敏體質 Discriminate allergic constitution
- 靈敏度93.4%
- 特異度91.4%
- 5分鐘即知結果
- 檢查血液中的總IgE水平
- 適合出現過敏反應人士
- 檢測過程簡單、清晰、方便
- 歐盟CE認證 (CE0483)
- 瑞士製造,品質保證
- Sensitivity 93.4%
- Specificity 91.4%
- Results in 5 minutes
- Detection of total class Immunoglobulins E (IgE) in whole blood samples
- Suitable for who with allergic reactions
- Simple, clear and convenience
- CE marking (CE0483)
- Made in Switzerland, quality guaranteed