營果健 Fortijuce (200毫升 x 24支)
營果健 Fortijuce (200毫升 x 24支) - 蘋果味
Fortijuce 營果健為加快身體復原而設的果汁味營養補充品,有助補充身體所需要的額外能量,改善營養攝取,每瓶提供300千卡,同時富含蛋白質、維他命、鐵質及鈣質等,每日2-3支,補充全面營養,或有助改善因能量缺乏而能量而造成的虛弱問題。共有蘋果味及黑加倫子味兩款口味。即飲樽裝,方便衛生,開啟便可飲用。
產品: 每支200毫升
Fortijuce is a high energy (1.5kcal/ml), ready to drink, juice style nutritional supplement containing 300kcal and 8g protein per 200ml bottle. 100% whey protein, no fat. Refreshing alternative to milk-based oral nutrition supplement. For the dietary management of disease related malnutrition, patients with high energy and protein requirements, patients with fat malabsorption, patients requiring a low fat diet, patients requiring a low electrolyte supplement e.g. renal disease, low residue diet, fluid restricted diet