

雀巢® Nestlé® MOM 鎖養膠囊 (30粒)


1粒蘊含葉酸、DHA# 、鐵質、碘質及多元維他命組合 (A 、B雜、 C、D) 等關鍵營養素,容易吞服,採用獨特Trio Pro 3層鎖養技術,支持媽咪於準備懷孕、懷孕中及哺乳期間的全面營養需要。它由意大利製造,提供足量葉酸以滿足懷孕前及懷孕期間葉酸的需求,同時提供多元關鍵營養素支持懷孕及哺乳期間額外多元關鍵營養所需素。雀巢®NESTLÉ® MOM鎖養膠囊含足量200毫克DHA#,符合世界衛生組織 (WHO) 及聯合國糧食及農業組織 (FAO) 建議孕媽咪及哺乳媽咪每日攝取量,DHA支持BB腦部及視力健康發展。




最多香港婦產醫護首選* 。

1 日 1 粒,有足量營養 ,支持媽咪於準備懷孕、懷孕中及哺乳期的免疫力,同時為 BB 儲備足夠營養,配合均衡飲食及適量運動,守護媽媽同寶寶的免疫基礎。




• Upgraded formula is closer to the nutritional needs during pregnancy and lactation
• No.1 Brand Choice among healthcare professionals* & Over 98% of pregnant moms continue to use after trial+
• One-a-Day easy to swallow capsule with multi vitamin and minerals and DHA – helping mothers to meet their nutrition need
• Unique Trio-Pro Technology completely locks in the key nutrients to prevent any gastric acid damage to them, and supports effective absorption of nutrients in intestine 1^
• NESTLÉ® MOM capsules contain iron with patented technology, which has an absorption rate that is nearly 2 times higher than other irons2■
• Supports increased nutritional needs during pregnancy and lactation

*Source: Ipsos HCP Claim Study, 2020 (Hong Kong) during Jun – Jul 2020, interviewing 134 healthcare professionals (doctor or nurses) with specialty in obstetrics/ gynecology/ pediatrics in Hong Kong.
Margin of error ±8.47% at 95% confidence level.
+ Source: Post-trial Phone Interview, 2021 (during Jan-Dec 2021), interviewing 1648 pregnant women who are NESTLE MOM&Me Club member and have successfully participated and tried NESTLÉ MOM™ in the NESTLÉ MOM™ trial program in 2021.
#Each capsule contains 600 µg DFE Folic acid and 200 mg DHA, helping pregnant women to meet the daily recommended intake of Folic acid in National Institutes of Health (NIH) and pregnant/lactating women to meet the daily recommended intake of DHA in World Health Organization (WHO)/ Food Agriculture Organization (FAO)
^NESTLÉ™ MOM Vitamins & Minerals with DHA contains iron with patented technology, to achieve a more efficient absorption at the same time with reduced gastrointestinal discomfort.
■Refers to irons as ferrous sulfate.
^^Need to accommodate with a balanced diet and moderate exercise
References: 1. Coplin, M., et al. (1991). Clinical Therapeutics, 13(5): 606-12.
2. Layrisse, M., et al. (2000). The Journal of Nutrition, 130(9), 2195-2199

Store at room temperature in a clean, dry and cool place (25°C or below). Avoid exposure to heat sources, dirct light, or contact with water.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Ben C. (Central, HK)

Good and super fast delivery