
PRIMA 幽門螺旋菌抗原測試 Helicobacter Pylori Antigen test (1個測試) 檢測幽門螺旋菌抗原 Detects H. pylori antigens

$19900 $24900

幽門螺旋菌抗原測試 Helicobacter Pylori Antigen test | 檢測幽門螺旋菌抗原 Detects H. pylori antigens

- 靈敏度95.2%
- 特異度96.6%
- 10分鐘即知結果
- 檢測大便樣本中的幽門螺旋菌抗原
- 適合腸胃不適、食慾不振人士
- 檢測過程簡單、清晰、方便
- 歐盟CE認證 (CE0483)
- 瑞士製造,品質保證

- Sensitivity 95.2%
- Specificity 96.6%
- Results in 10 minutes
- Detection of the Helicobacter pylori antigens in the feces
- Suitable for who have gastrointestinal discomfort and poor appetite
- Simple, clear and convenience
- CE marking (CE0483)
- Made in Switzerland, quality guaranteed

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PRIMA 幽門螺旋菌抗原測試 Helicobacter Pylori Antigen test (1個測試) 檢測幽門螺旋菌抗原 Detects H. pylori antigens

$19900 $24900

幽門螺旋菌抗原測試 Helicobacter Pylori Antigen test | 檢測幽門螺旋菌抗原 Detects H. pylori antigens

- 靈敏度95.2%
- 特異度96.6%
- 10分鐘即知結果
- 檢測大便樣本中的幽門螺旋菌抗原
- 適合腸胃不適、食慾不振人士
- 檢測過程簡單、清晰、方便
- 歐盟CE認證 (CE0483)
- 瑞士製造,品質保證

- Sensitivity 95.2%
- Specificity 96.6%
- Results in 10 minutes
- Detection of the Helicobacter pylori antigens in the feces
- Suitable for who have gastrointestinal discomfort and poor appetite
- Simple, clear and convenience
- CE marking (CE0483)
- Made in Switzerland, quality guaranteed